Cabinet Avocat Alexandra Velican


Copyright 2021 Cabinet Avocat Alexandra Velican.
Toate drepturile rezervate.

9:00 - 19:00

Deschis: Luni - Vineri

(+40) 722 244 823

Consultanta si Indrumare Juridica


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  • Corporate Lawsuits

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Banking and Finance

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Competition Law Insight

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Considering Divorce

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Direct Way of Justice

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • In the Court of Law

    Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

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  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.

  • Simply ask our lawyers in our company how you can benefit.


It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.

Edmund Burke | Border Patroler


Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts of the citizens.

Anita Christian | Attorney

Cand avem nevoie de consultanta juridica, apelam cu incredere la doamna avocat Alexandra Velican.

Bogdan Bratu | Manager Clinica DermaBeauty