Cabinet Avocat Alexandra Velican


Copyright 2021 Cabinet Avocat Alexandra Velican.
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9:00 - 19:00

Deschis: Luni - Vineri

(+40) 722 244 823

Consultanta si Indrumare Juridica


As a lawyer, as a private citizen, you see a lot of injustice. You see a lot of people who should have been punished and are not, and people who were punished wrongfully are not vindicated.

– Robert Ackermann, Founder of Company


Business Litigation

We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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Auto Accidents

We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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Oil Rig Injuries

We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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Personal Injury

We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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Breach of Contract

We offer a contingency fee arrangement for business litigation, allowing businesses to receive legal representation without shouldering the costs up front. With a contingency fee arrangement, we carry the costs of litigation initially and accept a percentage of the settlement as payment.

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Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.

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    Domenii de expertiză

    ceea ce știm
    • Drept civil
    • Drept penal
    • Familie
    • Execuțional
    • Comercial
    • Asigurări sociale și litigii de muncă